Turning Your Leaps Into Transformative Feats

Impact Consulting

Partnering with you on impact strategy, program build-out, impact measurement and evaluation, organizational leadership

Guidance & Facilitation

Help your company, family, or team navigate complexity and dynamics with grace.

Leadership Development & Coaching

Professional development for teams and individual coaching


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About Sarah

Sarah Cotton Nelson, flying trapeze-enthusiast and founder of High Flying Strategy, is an impact leader with 20+ years’ experience guiding individuals and organizations to maximize their impact. She is known for helping others create vision and implementation road maps for change; aligning leadership intent with action; and connecting disparate individuals and groups to each other so that they can team up to do even more powerful work together.

Kind Words

Creating change is a long game

Whether you need support to clarify the vision of what you are trying to achieve, identify first (or next) best steps to get there, or develop a way to feed new information into your strategic prioritization process, High Flying Strategy is here to partner with you on your road to impact.